Natural Healing Elements

About Truskavets, English
History, description, therapeutic factors, interesting facts of Truskavets

Natural Healing Elements

Повідомлення ad_min від 17 травня 2010, 08:50


Truskavets has gained its popularity due to the healing water 'Naftusya' of the Truskavets deposit. This is weakly mineralized hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium mineral water with a high content of organic petroleum substances. The organic substances which give 'Naftusya' medicinal qualities are quickly destroyed when exposed to the air. That`s why, it is advisable to drink 'Naftusya' in the Main Water Pump Room only. Nowadays it is difficult to find water with the same medicinal effect. 'Naftusya' promotes the removal of small stones from kidneys, gall-bladder, urinary and bile ducts, diminishes the danger of stone formation, normalizes the metabolism, especially the carbohydrate metabolism in patients suffering from diabetes, improves the activity of the alimentary tract and pancreas, restores liver cells and removes radionuclides and toxins from the body. Thanks to its immunomodulating properties, it increases the defensive powers of the body and prevents oncological diseases.

The chloride-sulphate-sodium water of spring 1, named 'Mariya', reduces gastric secretion, improves the motor function of the intestines, intensifies gall production and excretion, and diminishes inflammation and spastic phenomena of the alimentary canal.

The chloride-sulphate-sodium water of spring 2, commonly called 'Sophiya', stimulates gastric secretion, has a marked positive effect on the gall system, and normalizes the motor function of stomach and intestine. It is used for the accompanying diseases of the alimentary canal, namely chronic gastritis with reduced secretion, and chronic colitis.

The mineral water 'Yusya' is a genuine source of beauty. It’s natural glycerin content rejuvenates the skin and makes it extraordinarily smooth and elastic.


Complete treatment at our health resort includes one more unique method - ozocerite therapy. The only deposit of ozocerite in the world lies just 4kms away from Truskavets in the town of Boryslav. Ozocerite has antiseptic and analgesic effect and improves blood circulation in the afflicted area.
... тут рулюю я, синку :)
Повідомлення: 694
З нами з: 06 травня 2008, 22:25

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