Spa Vesna (Springtime) of city - resort Truskavets

Sanatorium resort Truskavets very much, but they are directed to the most priceless gift of: human health!
It Truskavets achieved outstanding results in treatment and rehabilitation of the famous holiday town Truskavets!
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Spa Vesna (Springtime) of city - resort Truskavets

Повідомлення ad_min від 17 травня 2010, 09:18

The spa 'VESNA' (SPRING) is a compact health-improvement centre where you can get almost all medical and diagnostic services without leaving the building. This modern nine-storeyed building with an admitting capacity of 520 visitors lies in the centre of Truskavets at a near distance from the Main Mineral Water Pump Room. The spa owns a conference hall, a gymnasium with a modern sports equipment. Urological, gastroentherological and rehabilitation departments for the patients after cholecystectomy function there as well.
... тут рулюю я, синку :)
Повідомлення: 694
З нами з: 06 травня 2008, 22:25

Повернутись в Spas of the Truskavets resort

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